sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

Official Press Release “1st Annual Comic Convention of the University of Seville”

There is no doubt that comics have made themselves a place in the realm of arts, among more traditional ones like literature, music or cinema. With hundreds of conventions all over the world taking place every year, international prestigious awards, some work with several thousands of copies sold worldwide, specialized literature and museums, comic, are stronger than ever, reassuring its place between the arts.
If comic lacks something in the Spanish scene is a stronger presence in the academic context. Exceptuating a few symposiums, congresses, and comic seasons, the academical influence of these, has been limited to only five universities in the whole country, and that is not something to be proud of.

At the University of Seville, in the Research Group HUM-753 “Escritoras y Escrituras” (Female writers and writing) from the Department of Integrated Languages, we are trying to find a solution to this by adding our small contribution to the work of those brave one that preceded us.

We are glad to introduce the 1st Annual Comic Convention of the University of Seville, where prestigious researchers and academic writers will converge in an unprecedented event, that will be the first of many to come in successive years.

So, from the 15th to the 17th of November of 2012, we will gather at the Facultad de Filología (School of Language and Literature) of the University of Seville, hoping to get the best of it.

See you in Seville!

(You can also find us in our Facebook Page and our Twitter account: @congresocomic)

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